Be free of Gluten! - Potato Gnocchi - Creative Cooks Kitchen Australia

Be free of Gluten! - Potato Gnocchi

Gluten free has never been so easy to cook for until now. @CreativeCooksKitchen we are nothing if not inclusive and diverse. #youcancookittoo! So in the spirit of catering to one and all we have an amazing recipe for Gluten Free Potato Gnocchi. Something yummy to tempt you in this chilly weather at

Now, let’s get cooking....
Prepare your potatoes

Let’s begin with the potatoes.

Eight medium, white mashing potatoes with the skin left on.

Microwave or bake for best results, you can boil them until they are tender but often will retain liquid and may adjust the amount of extra starch and egg to bind.

Remove the skin once cool to touch and grate into a large metal bowl while they are still warm.
Grating potatoes
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Dont forget to season well

Add gluten free starch, I used Tapioca flour. Next add 2 egg whites. Once the mixture has all come together and is no longer sticky to touch cut into six to eight pieces.

add binding agents

Roll each of these out into a snake shape, approx 1.5cm wide and 15- 20 cm long.

Roll into long snakes and cut into little nuggets of goodness

Once rolled out cut into small pieces and place on a well floured board or tray.

Place in the fridge to chill until ready to cook.

Try not to put them too close or on top of each other as they become hard to separate.

You can also freeze them in an airtight container if not ready to use immediately.

Salted boiling water watch them cook til they float

Next fill a large pot with salted water to boil. Once boiling cook gnocchi. Initially they will sink but once ready they will float. Scoop the gnocchi that are floating out with a slotted spoon. Your gnocchi is now ready to be added to your sauce of choice.

Our sauce is a sage, garlic and lemon butter sauce.
Prepare sauce ingredients

In a large heavy based pan melt 50g butter and cook chopped garlic and 8 fresh sage leaves.

Foamy butter and herbs and lemon juice
Then add lemon zest and juice once butter starts to foam. At this stage you could add some white wine if you like to.

Have the sauce hot and ready for gnocchi as soon as it comes out of the boiling water, serve straight away a little Parmesan cheese and cracked black pepper.

Ready to eat with friends

Enjoy!! We hope you enjoy our delicious gluten free saucy gnocchi.

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